Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22- As For Me And My House...

April 22, 2011

Scripture Readings:
Joshua 24:1-33; Luke 21:1-28;
Psalm 89:38-52; Proverbs 13:20-23

But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
~Joshua 24:15

Joshua 24:1-33

In the mid 12th century on the battlefields of Europe, knights and lords could be identified as an ally or an enemy by their coat of arms.  This shield or symbol came to represent a family.  The coat of arms would have certain colors, animals, illustrations, and mottoes to represent the character and beliefs of a certain clan.  Eventually, even commoners adopted these bearings.  My husband's family has a coat of arms.  The motto of their family coat of arms was "Light in Darkness."  How appropriate. Today, Joshua defines his family's beliefs for the nation of Israel, and challenges them to be true to their promise.

Time has gone quickly for the good general of Israel.  Today we see Joshua prior to his death.  Just as in prior death speeches by Jacob/Israel, who prophesied about each son, and Moses, who blessed the twelve tribes, Joshua gives a final message.  Joshua recounts the history of the nation of Israel, reminding them that God has accomplished these victories for them.  Here are some highlights from his talk:
  • Terah, Abraham's father, worshiped other gods, living beyond the Euphrates River.
  • Abraham was led to the land of Canaan by God.
  • Abraham's descendants through his son Isaac were Jacob and Esau.
  • Jacob and his children were sent down to Egypt and became slaves.
  • Egypt was plagued and God brought the Israelites out of Egypt to freedom by defeating the Pharaoh.
  • God gave Israel victory over the Amorites on the East side of the Jordan.
  • God gave Israel victory at Jericho and the cities of Canaan.
  • God has given them cities they did not build and vineyards they did not plant.
  • Israel must honor the Lord and serve Him.
Joshua challenges the nation of Israel in their state of rest and prosperity to continue to serve the Lord alone.  He asks them if they will choose to follow the gods of Terah and the Amorites or the Lord God of Israel. Joshua states that he and his house will follow the Lord.

The nation of Israel responds that they will never forsake the Lord and worship other gods.  Oh that this statement were true!  Joshua makes a covenant with them and sets up a large
stone as a witness to their agreement with God. He then sends each tribe to their inherited land and at the age of 110, Joshua is gathered to his fathers in death.  Joshua's coat of arms is to serve the One True God of Israel.  This was the dying testimony of a faithful servant of God.

What would your family's coat of arms look like?  Would it reflect service to God?

Luke 21:1-28

People are confused in Jerusalem.  The common belief of the day was that when the Messiah came he would rescue Israel from their enemies and set up an earthly kingdom.  The books of the prophets in the Old Testament predict this event. Even the disciples are questioning Jesus as to when this will happen.  Here is his response from verses 8-28:
  • Many will come claiming to be the Messiah.  Don't believe them.
  • There will be wars and insurrections.  The end will not follow immediately after these.
  • Nations will war against each other.  Still, not the end.
  • There will be earthquakes, famines, and epidemics.
  • There will be a time of great persecution.
  • Jesus' followers will be persecuted by high officials.
  • Family members will betray the disciples.
  • Some of you (Jews) will be hated and killed for my name sake.
  • Jerusalem will be surrounded by armies. (This occurred in A.D. 70.)
  • This will signal the time of destruction of Jerusalem.
  • Jews will be led away and scattered.
  • Jerusalem will be conquered by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles is complete. (We are in the time of the Gentiles right now.)
  • Strange events with the sun, moon and stars will occur.
  • Nations will be in turmoil.
  • There will be roaring seas and strange tides.
  • Many people will fear because of the fearful fate of the earth, and because the stability of the heavens will be broken up.
  • Then, everyone will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with great power.
We do not know when the end will occur.  Jesus gives information, but not specific dates.  This means that you and I should watch and wait.  Be faithful in the work He has given you to do.  Use your gifts and talents for God and to help people. 

Are you afraid or hopeful for Jesus' return?

Psalm 89:38-52

Notice how David ends this psalm with proclaiming that the Lord be blessed, even in the midst of complaining about his personal demise.  This reflects faith.

Proverbs 13:20-23

You should walk with other wise people, if you want to be wise in your life.  Fools will cause you to suffer harm.  Have you experienced this?

What did you see today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton
© 2011


  1. Isn't it such a paradox, that Joshua and the people, like us, choose to obey the Lord, yet, like Joshua says, we are unable to do it? Only God can save us.

  2. Yes. God shows us this over and over. It is a comfort.
