Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30- Adding Insult to Injury

May 30, 2011

Scripture Readings:
2 Samuel 15:23-16:23;  John 18:25-19:22;
Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 16:10-11

You know it's a bad day when you put your bra on backwards and it fits better. 

2 Samuel 15:23-16:23

Have you ever had one of those days where it might have been better if you had just stayed in bed and pulled the covers up over your head?  David is having one of those days.  He has decided to leave Jerusalem while his son, Absalom, is usurping him as king of Israel.  As I read the Scriptures today, I was struck by the similarities between David's betrayal experience with Absalom and Jesus' betrayal experience with Judas.  Here are some parallels I noticed:
  • Both men cross the Kidron Valley in their journey of betrayal.
  • Both go to the Mount of Olives.
  • Both men have someone very close to them betray them.
  • Both are surrounded by followers and enemies.
  • Both men are ridiculed and taunted as part of their suffering.
  • Neither man retaliates at his enemies who taunt them.
  • Both men grow weary.
Of course, the major difference is that David is experiencing his suffering as judgment for killing Uriah, while Jesus suffered the judgment for sin that we all deserve.  As a matter of fact, Jesus was suffering for David's sin that he committed all those many years before.

In addition to Absalom taking his throne as predicted by God through Nathan, another judgment that was predicted occurs. Absalom sleeps with David's concubines on the roof of the palace in plain sight of all of Jerusalem. This would have been the highest insult to David as the king and to David as Absalom's father.

David is shrouded in shame and humility at this point in his life.  God's judgment is heavy upon him.  The only daylight apparent is that his friend, Hushai, has agreed to go undercover in Absalom's royal court.

David is restoring his reputation as a man of God in this part of his life story.  He has sent the Ark back to Jerusalem. He is enduring God's discipline with humility. He is flawed, but teachable.

Are you teachable by God?  Do you repent when you realize that you have sinned? David models humility in suffering, just as his future descendant, Jesus, will be the perfect model of humility in suffering.

John 18:25-19:22

After his trial in front of the High Priest and Jewish religious leaders, Jesus is taken to be tried by Pilate, the Roman governor.  The Jews explain to Pilate that they are bringing Jesus to Pilate because their laws do not allow them to execute him.  In front of Pilate Jesus concedes that he is a king, but not an earthly king.  He says that his Kingdom is not of this world. He tells Pilate that he was born for the purpose of bringing truth to the world. A very cynical Pilate asks, "What is truth?" 

Pilate is disturbed when the Jewish leaders claim that Jesus should be crucified because he has claimed to be the Son of God.  Pilate asks Jesus where he is from. Jesus will not answer. Pilate says that he has the power to crucify Jesus. Jesus responds that Pilate would have no power to do this if it were not given to him from above. Pilate is a reluctant player in this drama. Finally, he hands Jesus over to be crucified, but makes sure that in three languages, Greek, Hebrew and Latin, the title Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, is placed above his head on the cross.  Pilate has made a decision about who Jesus is.

Jesus endures this suffering with humility and with the conviction of someone on a mission.  His mission was to save those that the Father had given to him.

Are you one of Jesus' chosen ones?  Did he die for your sins?

Psalm 119:113-128

You can hear the voice of Jesus in this psalm.  Truly, Jesus is the only person who really can fulfill what is said in this psalm about learning and living the Law of God.  He is the only person who did this perfectly.

Proverbs 16:10-11

Jesus is the king that speaks with divine wisdom.  God wants us to be fair in our business dealings.

What did you see today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton
© 2011

P.S. Rejoice with me, dear friends.  Today, my son is marrying a beautiful girl.  We are adding a daughter-in-law to our family.  She is a blessing to us all and we are thankful to God for bringing her to our son.  May God bless their union with happiness, loyalty, and love.


  1. Congratulations to you all! I'm very happy for you, your son, and your family. :)

  2. Congratulations!

    I like your comment about David being teachable. So true and so important for us.

  3. Thank you both for the congratulations! It was a beautiful ceremony.
