Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30- Who Is God?

August 30, 2011

Scripture Reading:
Job 34:1-36:33; 2 Corinthians 4:1-12;
Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 22:10-12

Job 34:1-36:33

A number of years ago, Shirley McClain was on a big New Age kick.  She was being interviewed on television about her spiritual revelations.  She was involved with spirit guides and forms of spirituality that led her to some interesting conclusions.  Shirley had come to realize that she was god.  In fact, every person on earth was god, they just didn't know it.  In my opinion, there's really something wrong claiming you are god, but not being smart enough or aware enough to know it.  I was talking to my mother about this and told her that if I am god, we are all in BIG TROUBLE!  Today, Elihu talks to Job and his friends about who God really is.

Elihu puts himself in the position of teacher.  He encourages his listeners to discern what is right. The first thing he points out is that Job has a problem with arrogance.  This is the pride that we spoke about yesterday.  Elihu then begins to talk about the attributes of God.  Here are some of his points:
  • God does not sin. Vs. 11
  • God's Spirit keeps life going in the universe. Vs. 14
  • God is not a respecter of persons.  All are equal in His eyes. Vs. 19
  • God is just. Vs. 20-30
  • Our good behavior does not benefit God. Job 35:6-8
  • God listens and is concerned for His creation. Vs. 13-14
  • God is mighty and righteous. Job 36:5
  • God is all powerful. vs. 22
  • God is exalted above anything we can understand. vs. 26
Elihu has given a good picture of God, His sovereignty and omnipotence.  He has portrayed God as caring and just.  He is defending the Creator of the Universe.

If you had to defend God to someone, what would you say about Him?

2 Corinthians 4:1-12

Paul is telling the Corinthians that his ministry is an honest one that does not include self-promotion.  Just as in our day, Paul had to deal with religious charlatans who were interested in elevating themselves among the people and making money.

In contrast, Paul's ministry was marked by trials and the threat of death.  Paul explains that the light of Christ seen in him shines forth from a perishable container.  Paul understands the weakness of his own body and sees that as a perfect way to show God's strength through his weakness.  You and I can learn from this attitude.  Our trials and our weakness in the face of trials is an opportunity for God to shine forth!  Does God shine forth in your trials?

Paul describes great persistence when he states that he is crushed, but not broken.  He is hunted down, but not abandoned by God. He is knocked down, but keeps going. When he suffers, he is sharing the death of Jesus, so that he can also share the resurrected life of Christ.  Paul's threat of death has brought the reality of eternal life to many people.

Do you view suffering in this way?  We can all learn from the Apostle Paul.

Psalm 44:1-8

Here is a psalm that worships God as the King of Israel.  His many deeds are recounted.

Proverbs 22:10-12

Certain people like mockers are trouble makers.  When you get rid of them, your troubles cease. God preserves knowledge on this earth.

What did you learn today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton

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