Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26- Peace Like A River

September 26, 2011

Scripture Reading:
Isaiah 48:12-50:11; Ephesians 4:17-32;
Psalm 69:1-18; Proverbs 24:5-6

Isaiah 48:12-50:11

God is stating His case to Israel.  He is the First and the Last.  The Alpha and the Omega.  He is the one who laid the foundations of the earth.  With His palm He filled the heavens with millions of stars.  He deserves to be worshiped and obeyed.

He is the Redeemer.  Part of God's plan, as revealed in Isaiah's prophecy, is that God is the one who required justice and He, Himself, is the justifier.  He is the one who redeems and pays the debt for all of mankind.  He is also a teacher who leads us down paths that should be followed.  In verses 18 we get this beautiful promise,
"Oh, that you had listened to my commands! Then you would have peace flowing like a gentle river and righteousness rolling like waves."
Does this describe your life?  It can if you will listen to the teachings in this book and follow them with humility.

Chapter 49 brings us another beautiful description of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Here is a list of predictions about the Messiah:
  • This is a message to the whole world, even people in far off lands. Vs. 1
  • Jesus was called even before he was born. Vs. 1
  • He was called by name in the womb. Vs. 1
  • His words are sharp swords of judgment. Vs. 2
  • Jesus is an arrow in God's quiver. Vs. 2  (This is a biblical reference to children.)
  • Jesus is called God's servant, Israel. Vs. 3
  • Jesus has the human emotion of feeling like his work is pointless. He decides to trust God for the outcome and his reward. Vs. 4
  • Jesus is told by God that he was chosen not just to bring Israel back into fellowship with God, but also to be a light to the Gentiles.  He will bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Vs. 5-6
  • Jesus will be despised and rejected by the nations, but one day, all of the princes of the earth will bow low before him because His is chosen by God for this position. Vs. 7
  • God will help Christ on the day of salvation at just the right time. Jesus is a pledge that Israel will be restored to her land one day. It will be reassigned to her. Vs. 8
  • In the millennial kingdom, Israel will once again return to God, as will people from across the globe. Vs. 8-12
  • The purpose of God's victory is for the world to know that He is God. Vs. 26
Chapter 50 explains that Israel is going to be led into captivity because of her sin of idolatry.  But Jesus is sent to release Israel from her captivity to sin.  Verses 6-11 are the voice of Christ.  He explains that he offers his cheek to be struck by his enemies. He gives his back to be beaten and his beard to be plucked out. He is not dismayed in this suffering because the Sovereign Lord helps him. He sets his face like a stone, determined to accomplish God's will. He knows He will triumph. This is faith, my friends!  God who gives justice is near him.  This gives him the ability to not worry about those who declare him guilty.

Jesus calls out for people to walk in God's light and rely on Him.  He gives warning to those people who walk in their own light and warm themselves by their own fire that their reward in the end will be to lay down in torment.  This is a description of the torment of Hades/Sheol, the place of death, where unbelievers wait for the final judgment of God.

Ephesians 4:17-32

Paul describes the ungodly as living in darkness and given over to immoral ways.  Believers are to throw off their old evil natures. These would include tendencies to be lustful and deceitful. We are to display a new nature because we really are new persons in Christ. These new persons are created in God's likeness with righteousness, holiness, and truth.

We are to be truthful and not given to anger, because anger gives a foothold to the devil. We are to control our tongues and not use foul or abusive language. We are to have our words be helpful and encouraging to others.

We are to avoid making God sad by our behavior.  Have your children ever made you sad by the choices that they have made?  God feels the same way about us.  Determine to not make Him sad.

Here is a challenge...get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, slander, and malicious behavior.  Instead, work on being kind to others, tender hearted towards what others are going though, and forgiving. Remember that through Christ God has forgiven you of many things.

List ten examples of how you can begin to practice this. 

Why don't we all try this?  It'll be fun. : )

Psalm 69:1-18

Have you ever been in deep waters?  This Spring many in the Mid South region of America were under the threat of terrible flooding.  Sometimes our lives feel like we are going to drown in the waters of our troubles.  This psalm is for all of us who have ever felt like that. Our Lord felt this way.  This is what we learned in the book of Isaiah today. 

Rely on Christ's example.  Trust in God.

Proverbs 24:5-6

Wisdom is key to winning victories.  When contemplating a fight, wise counselors are necessary.  This also applies to a spiritual fight!

What did you learn today? Please share.


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton


  1. I love it when the Gentiles pop into a Jewish book. It shows God's love for people of all nations and His plan to provide salvation for them, too. Think of how shocking that would have been to the people of Israel (Judah) back then.

  2. It is definitely a theme throughout the Old Testament. God has always planned to save all of mankind, people from every culture and nation.
