Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27- The Golden Cup

October 27, 2011

Scripture Reading:
Jeremiah 51:1-53; Titus 2:1-15;
Psalm 99:1-9; Proverbs 26:17

Jeremiah 51:1-53

Do you have a favorite coffee mug?  Over the years I have had a series of favorite cups.  Whenever it was time to have coffee or tea, I would grab the mug my friend gave me on my birthday or the tea cup I received one year at a tea party.   Somehow drinking out of my favorite cup made the whole experience better.  In our reading today world empires are likened to favorite cups and God changes his mind about which empire is his favorite cup.  For a period of time He made the Babylonian Empire His golden cup of favor.  He used this nation/city to conquer the whole world.  As a matter of fact, the whole known world at that time had to drink from this golden cup and get drunk on her system.  Those days are about to end.  God is warning that He intends to smash that golden cup for reasons that tie back to the nation of Israel.

If you read secular history you will learn various facts as to how and why the Medes and Persians defeated the Babylonians.  The Bible gives us God's interpretation of the events of history.  From His perspective, God used Babylon to punish Israel for her rebellion against God and to punish her surrounding neighbors for idol worship and their treatment of Israel, but now, God is going to turn around and punish Babylon for her treatment of Israel.  Babylon is also punished for worshipping false gods.

We see that God mentions the lifestyle of the Babylonians, which includes much drunkenness and feasting. God specifically mentions that He is going to punish their god, Bel.  Does this surprise you?  These people were worshipping demons who are under God's control and will be judged and punished in the future. Do you think the Babylonians realized that their gods were demons?  Probably not.  God holds people accountable for their choices.

Do you rest in God's sovereignty?  Do you realize that God has a spiritual purpose for secular history?  Do you realize that you will be held accountable for your choices? His story is not over yet.

Titus 2:1-15

The teaching that Titus gives to the people of Crete should result in changed lives and changed behavior.  Here is what Paul is hoping for:  He would like for the older men to exercise self-control, to be worthy of respect, and to live wisely.  In our day and age it is a shame to see older men chasing after younger women and having affairs.  It was the same back then.

The older women are not to become gossips, spreading evil words against others.  They are also cautioned not to be heavy drinkers.  In our day and age, wine is a big deal to many women.  They rely on it for comfort and the coolness factor.  God wants women to be noticed for helping younger women learn to love their husbands and children. Women should also be revered for living pure lives. Alcohol can be a trap that ruins a person's effectiveness.  Women need to be warned of this and careful that they do not become lushes. In this way shame is not brought upon God's word through bad behavior.

The young men should be wise and follow Titus' example of good deeds.  Titus' teaching must be strong.  All Christians are encouraged to live with self-control, right conduct, and devotion to God.

Paul reminds Titus that he has authority from God as the pastor over these people to teach these things.

Are you concerned with your life style?  Does it reflect well on God?  Do you drink too much wine?

Psalm 99:1-9

God is backing up His statements in Jeremiah with this psalm.  His message is consistent.

Proverbs 26:17

Wow.  I guess the message is to butt out.

What did you learn as you read today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton

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