Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22- Snuggies

January 22, 2011

Scripture Readings:
Genesis 44:1-45:28; Matthew 14:13-36
Psalm 18:37-50; Proverbs 4:11-13

Snuggie- (noun) A sleeved body-length blanket made of fleece material designed like a bathrobe, but meant to be worn backwards.  - Web definition

Genesis 44:1-45:28

Sometimes you read a story and you get a warm feeling inside. Maybe there is a character that you particularly love. Maybe the story is tragically beautiful. Whatever the reason, the story is like a Snuggie. You know what a Snuggie is, right?  It is a robe and a blanket all wrapped up in one amazing garment. Well, anyway, back to the story. When you read this type of story, you feel happy, warm, and peaceful.  Kinda like putting on a Snuggie and cuddling on the couch in front of the fireplace with cup of hot chocolate during a snowstorm.

Today's story is like that for me. Joseph's story is a Snuggie story. He is a tragic, kind figure. He is handsome and capable, noble and selfless, bruised and mistreated. Joseph is a picture of Christ.

Rather than recount the story, I am going to list ways that Joseph is like Christ. Some of these we have already gone over, but it is worth repeating. Here are ways that Joseph is like Jesus:
  • He is the favored son of his father.
  • He is mistreated by his own people and left for dead.
  • He is sent into the world (Egypt).
  • He is blessed by God in all he does.
  • He requires His people (his brothers in this case) to confess their sin.
  • He weeps over their sin and brokenness.
  • He tells his people (brothers) that you did not do this, God did this in order to save you.
  • He does God's will in a sacrificial manner.
  • He provides salvation for his people (family).
  • He forgives them their sin.
  • He tells them not to quarrel. (be at peace).
  • He fulfills a prophecy (dream).
  • His people proclaim...He is still alive!  This is a picture of resurrection.
  • His people bow low to him and worship him.  He is their leader and they follow him.
  • He provides for his people the best that the land has to offer. (A picture of new heaven and new earth).
Joseph is my favorite character in the Bible besides Christ. He is such a warm and fuzzy guy. May God give me the grace to develop the ability to love God and to love people the way Joseph and Jesus do. God, make me a warm and fuzzy person.

Lesson:  Love God. Help people. Get perspective on suffering.

Matthew 14:13-36

Jesus is sad after the news of John the Baptist's death. He goes off to be alone for a while, but the crowds follow him.  He is ruled by his compassion for others, so he stays with them and does miracles. Finally, he provides for the crowd (remember how Joseph provided) by doing the 5 loaves and 2 fish miracle. After that, he walks on water and scolds Peter for not having enough faith to stay up on the water with him.

After the water walking incident, the disciples worship and tell him, "You really are the Son of God!" Jesus heals EVERYONE that needs healing and seeks the Messiah's help by coming to him. If you seek him, you will find him, if you seek him with your whole heart.

Do you need something healed in your life?  Have you gone to Jesus with your pain and suffering? 

Lesson:  Jesus controls the universe.  He is able to heal you.  He allows pain and suffering for a variety of reasons. Jesus also experienced pain, suffering, betrayal, rejection, dysfunction, and death. He could have avoided it, but he chose not to. Suffering is important. It is a process. Jesus can relate to your life and give you perspective on your suffering. THIS IS ONE OF THE MAIN POINTS OF THE BIBLE.

Psalm 18:37-50

Here is a psalm about warrior Jesus, who will defeat his enemies in the end.

Proverbs 4:11-13

If you live a wise life, you won't stumble when you run.  (Although I hate to run, I like this illustration.)

What did you notice today?  I want to hear from you.


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton