Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29- A Blessing and A Curse

March 29, 2011

Scripture Readings:
Deuteronomy 11:1-12:32; Luke 8:22-39
Psalm 70:1-5; Proverbs 12:4

Deuteronomy 11:1-12:32

In the book Holes, Stanley Yelnats, the great great grandson of Stanley Yelnats, carries a boy named Zero up a mountain called God's Thumb in order to get Zero a drink of water.  This act breaks a curse that was put on his family by Madam Zeroni, who had cursed Stanley Yelnats the elder many years before for not carrying her up a mountain to get a drink of water.  Today Moses tells the Israelites that they have a choice between a blessing or a curse from God based on their choices.  Obedience will bring blessings and disobedience will bring a curse.

Moses' theme of obedience continues.  If the Israelites decide to obey God, they can expect the blessings of rainfall for their crops, good pastures for their livestock, and plenty to eat. If they show love for God by walking in His ways, then the Lord will drive out their enemies from the land.  If however, the Israelites do not obey the commands of God and begin to participate in the pagan religions of the land, the Lord will not bless their efforts, but instead, will curse them and eventually kick them out of the land.

Moses tells the people to go up to two different mountain tops to pronounce both a blessing and a curse on the land once they enter the land. In the future, the prophet Elijah will do just this.  This is a ritual designed to emphasize a spiritual truth. 

Moses reemphasizes the need for the Israelites to burn and demolish pagan idols and Asherah poles.  Remember, the Canaanites would worship Asherah, a fertility goddess originally given by the fallen angels to the Sumerians in Ur, by having sex with prostitutes, both male and female.  In addition, they would offer their children as sacrifices in the fire to the agricultural god-Baal.  The One True God of Israel wanted this practice destroyed. Moses continues by designating where and when offerings should be made to the Lord.  This is designed to prevent the Israelites from falling into pagan sacrifice rituals.  Moses reminds the Israelites not to add or subtract from these Laws.

Do you realize God's blessings in your life as a result of obedience to His principles?  Have you felt the curse of sin in your life?  God gives us a choice between a blessing and a curse, also.  Which do you choose?

Luke 8:22-39

Jesus blesses and curses today in our New Testament reading.  As the story begins, Jesus wants to cross over to the other side of the lake.  He lays down for a nap in the boat and a terrible storm arrives. This is no ordinary storm. It is almost demonic in its fierceness. As the disciples cry out in fear, Jesus calms the storm.  Jesus blesses the disciples with safety from harm, but rebukes them for not having more faith. Do you have faith that God can carry you through the storms in your life?

Next, a man comes to Jesus seeking a blessing.  This man is homeless, naked, and has been living in the cemetery.  He is possessed by a legion of demons.  Jesus blesses this man's faith by casting the demons out of his body and sending them into a herd of pigs.  The pigs rush down a cliff and die, causing the Gadarenes (descendants of the tribe of Gad) to ask Jesus to leave the area.  Do you wonder why Jews would be raising pigs?  Remember, the tribe of Gad never left the east side of the Jordan River to cross into the Promised Land.  They have apparently slacked in their obedience to God's Laws.  Jesus' curse on the demons results in a form of curse on the sins of these Jews.  While blessing the faithful homeless man, Jesus' actions curse the disobedient Gadarenes.

Does your behavior result in God's blessing or curse in your life?

Psalm 70:1-5

This is a psalm asking for God's help and blessings.  Do you remember to pray this way?

Proverbs 12:4

"A worthy wife is her husband's joy and crown; a shameful wife saps his strength."  Truer words were never spoken.  Some of you men out there know just what I'm talkin' 'bout. A good wife is a blessing.


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton
© 2011


  1. You asked does my behavior/obedience result in God's blessing. I believe God has and is blessing me, my children and grandchildren for my praise, my obedience, my reverence, my love, my faith, my fear, my joy for and in Him. I am afraid not to follow God's Word, rules, guidance. He said He is a jealous God, and I believe Him.

  2. Amen, sistah!! Yes, in addition to being afraid, I am sure that your love for Him results in obedience. You are impacting the next generation with your faith!!
