Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23- Now Let Me Tell You That Story One More Time...

March 23, 2011

Scripture Readings:
Numbers 36:1-Deuteronomy 1:46;
Luke 5:29-6:11; Psalm 66:1-20
Proverbs 11:24-26

If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.  
~Rudyard Kipling

Numbers 36:1-Deuteronomy 1:46

Does your family have stories that are repeated every time you get together?  Maybe they tell stories about how someone was born. Maybe they tell stories about the engagement of a couple. Or maybe they tell funny stories about silly things that make every one laugh.  Today Moses retells the story of the Israelites for the new generation of people who will be entering the Promised Land. Let's see what this story is emphasizing.

Moses recounts for this generation, who will be entering the land, all that occurred to get them to this point.  Although we read about this story in the book of Numbers, this retelling includes Moses' perspective on a number of topics.  Here are the highlights of what Moses talks about today:
  • Normally, it only takes eleven days to get from Mt. Sinai to Kadesh, but because of lack of faith, the Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years. Vs. 2
  • The Lord is giving them the land of Canaan as promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and to all of their descendants. Vs. 7-8
  • Moses appointed judges and officials to help carry the burden of settling disputes as the community continued to grow. Vs. 9-18
  • Moses encouraged them to not be afraid, but to go occupy the land. Vs. 21
  • Moses made a mistake by listening to the people and having 12 men go spy out the land. Vs. 22-25
  • The Israelites rebelled against God and refused to go into the land. Vs. 26-33
  • God was angry and swore that none of that generation would enter the Promised Land, except Caleb and Joshua.  Vs. 34-36
  • God was angry with Moses and told him that he would not enter the Promised Land either. Vs. 37
  • Joshua would be the next leader to enter the land. Vs. 38
  • The Israelites did not listen to God and advanced to fight the Ammonites anyway, but were defeated. Vs. 41-46
This retelling gives much more of Moses' thoughts about the events.  The younger generation is benefitting from his mistakes.  Moses is being a wise leader who points the way to love and obedience by humbly sharing his own faults. Rather than expounding on what was done properly, Moses is remembering the mistakes. There is great wisdom in this.

Do you share when you have learned a lesson that can help others?  Do you recount the things God has done in your life?

Luke 5:29-6:11

Here we have a recounting of the feast in Matthew's house.  Remember that Matthew decided to make Jesus a priority in yesterday's reading. Here we see that he is now entertaining in order to introduce others to Jesus. Do you do that?

This apparently got the Pharisees upset because Jesus feasted, while John the Baptist fasted.  Jesus once again points out that the wedding party does not fast when the groom is around.  Jesus is the groom.  The Church is the bride.  His coming to earth as a human being is to be a time of celebration.  Jesus had already fasted in the wilderness.  Now it was time to enjoy his disciples on earth.

Jesus walks through some grainfields one Sabbath and he and his disciples glean some grain from the fields.  This was a perfectly acceptable practice.  The laws of Moses indicate that after the harvest was complete, the poor could glean what was left. They are doing this on the Sabbath. The Pharisees have developed customs against this. They have developed many rules about the Sabbath. Jesus, knowing the Scriptures well, tells the Pharisees that he is the Lord of the Sabbath.  He reemphasizes this by healing a man's deformed hand on the Sabbath. This outrages the Pharisees.

Do you know people who act like the Pharisees?  Do you have a bunch of manmade rules that you follow on the Sabbath?

Psalm 66:1-20

Vs. 2 says, "Tell the world how glorious he is."  I like that. Do you do this?

Proverbs 11:24-26

These passages are about being generous with your wealth.  This is an important biblical concept.  Everything that we own is on loan from God.  You might as well be generous.

What did you see today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton
© 2011

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