Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6- Following The Way

July 6, 2011

Scripture Readings:
1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4; Acts 24:1-27;
Psalm 4:1-8; Proverbs 18:16-18

1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4

Today, we are continuing with the genealogy that began with Jacob and continues through to David.  In chapter 3, we learn of some sons of David who were not mentioned in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings.  Their names are Shimea, Shobab, and Nathan.  In the gospel of Luke, we see that Nathan is the descendant of David through whom Mary is born.  Mary provides the blood line to King David necessary for Jesus to be the King of the Jews.  In the genealogy provided in the book of Matthew, Joseph, David's step father, provides the  legal line to the throne of David through Solomon.  These genealogies would have been available in the Temple in Jerusalem during the life of Jesus and directly after his death and resurrection.  You can rest assured that his enemies checked his genealogy during the conflicts that arose about who he was.  These genealogies were destroyed in 70 A.D. when the Temple was destroyed.  After the destruction of the Temple, Jewish genealogies were no longer continued.

What do you think about God's meticulous tracing of Jesus' family tree?  God takes His promises seriously.  You can trust God's Word.

Acts 24:1-27

We see that Paul is put on trial in Caesarea.  A lawyer named Tertullus accuses Paul of treason against Rome and of trying to defile the Temple in Jerusalem. Tertullus implies that the Jews could have handled this matter on their own without the interference of Rome.

Paul admits that he is a follower of The Way.  This is what Christianity was called in the beginning.  Paul says that he had gone to Jerusalem to worship.  He did not argue with anyone or incite any riots. When brought before the Jewish High Council, he confessed that he was on trial because he believes in the resurrection of the dead. Felix listens with interest, as he is familiar with Jewish customs and the rise of The Way.

We learn that Felix is married to a Jewish woman named Drusilla and that both Felix and Drusilla are familiar with The Way.  Felix listens to Paul's testimony about Jesus and keeps Paul in prison for two years to please the Jews.  We have no indication that either Felix or Drusilla ever made a profession of faith in Christ, although Felix called Paul to discuss these issues frequently.

Do you know people who want to hear about God all the time, but never profess faith in Him?  God's grace is extended to all people, but ultimately, if a decision for Christ is not made, judgment awaits the person.

Psalm 4:1-8

"The Lord has set the godly apart for Himself."  It is nice to think that God sets us apart to be with Him.  He is relational.

Proverbs 18:16-18

Gifts can put you in front of important people.  Felix was hoping that the Apostle Paul would bribe him with gifts.  That is why he kept calling Paul in front of himself.  Greed.

What did you notice today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton

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