Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4- Developing Character

April 4, 2011

Scripture Readings:
Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26; Luke 10:38-11:13
Psalm 76:1-12; Proverbs 12:15-17

Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26

As a young mother I often contemplated how to build good character in my children.  I read books and prayed to God for guidance.  After seeking good counsel from many sources, I hit upon the idea of developing good character through teaching godly habits through daily routines.  As the children grew, I implemented daily bible readings at breakfast, set chores around the house, established daily book/reading time on the couch, mandatory playtime in the yard, and quiet time alone in their rooms. I also established habits of behavior like being quick to apologize, saying "I forgive you," if someone apologized to you, obeying without scowling, doing work quietly...  I found that predictability led to stability in character.  May I say that developing these types of habits takes hard work.

Today Moses helps to establish the character of the nation of Israel through enacting rituals designed to help Israel remember the God who is giving them the Promised Land as an eternal inheritance.  Moses encourages the children of Israel to recognize, remember, respond, and reflect.


In recognition for all of the blessings they had received from God, the Israelites were to bring the first produce of every harvest in a basket to the designated place where God was to be honored.  The Israelite was to say to the priest, "With this gift I acknowledge that the Lord your God has brought me into the land he swore to give our ancestors."  Recognizing that God has given you everything you possess is an important part of developing good character.


I absolutely love this next part!  The Israelite was to state that he or she remembers that Jacob was a wandering Aramean.  What does this signify?  This is a statement about position before God.  It is a remembering that although God has chosen the Israelites to bless uniquely on the earth, they were merely Syrian people with a sin nature like everyone else on earth.  Their blessings were not a result of their behavior or righteous natures.  Their blessings were a gift from a Holy God. 

As a continuation of this remembrance, they were to recount God's mighty hand in delivering the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and establishing them in the Promised Land.  The Israelite was to make a memorized statement about these events.  Remembering who you are before a Holy God and remembering what God has done in your life develops good character.


Next, the Israelites were to respond to God's gracious blessings by offering a special tithe every third year.  This tithe was designed to help foreigners, orphans, and widows.  Our response to God's blessings should always be to share a portion of our blessings with those in need.  This develops good character.


Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal
Finally, Moses established that when they had entered the land and conquered the inhabitants, the Israelites were to set up large uncut stones that have been plastered and inscribed with God's Laws.  These stones would be a sign post to the nation and all surrounding people groups of the nature and holiness of The One True God.

As an additional form of reflection, the tribes were to divide up between two mountain tops.  One group was to stand on Mt. Gerizim and the other was to stand on Mt. Ebal.  The Levites would shout out a list of curses upon anyone who broke the Ten Commandments.  The people were to respond with "Amen."  This responsive reading served to remind the nation that their occupancy in the land was conditional upon obedience to the Law.  Although the land was an eternal possession, occupancy was conditional.

Reflecting on God's laws and acknowledging His holiness and judgment develops good character.

How do you recognize who you are before a Holy God?  Do you  periodically remember the works of God's mighty hand in your life?  How have you responded to His grace by showing grace to others?  Name ways to concretely reflect on God's goodness and might.

Luke 10:38-11:13

Jesus gives us methods of developing good character in today's reading.  In the home of Mary and Martha Jesus teaches Martha to stop worrying about all the details and finding fault with her sister.  We learn that it is better to be like Mary, who is sitting at the Lord's feet and listening to His teaching.  Do you run around worrying about this, that and the other, rather than contemplating what Christ would say and do in situation?  Do you contemplate eternal things or only temporal things each day?

The disciples ask Jesus to teach them about prayer.  They see that John the Baptist taught his disciples to pray.  They want some insights, too.  They have probably noticed that Jesus goes off to be by himself to pray, a lot.  My guess is they want some of what he's drinking!  Jesus gives them the keys to a good prayer life:
  • Honor God (recognize)
  • Ask for His Kingdom to come on earth (remember)
  • Ask for your daily provisions to be provided by Him (request)
  • Forgive my sins, as I forgive others (respond)
  • Don't let me yield to the temptation of sin (reflect)
It appears that a good prayer life will develop good character in you and me!  Jesus encourages his disciples to be persistent in their prayers.  God wants you to bug Him about things!!  God is looking to give out good gifts to those who love Him.

Do you pray regularly?

Psalm 76:1-12

This psalm is a statement of God's majesty.  What a good way to recognize His ways.

Proverbs 12:15-17

Here are some opposites: A Fool:  thinks he/she need no advice, is quick tempered, and tells lies.
A Wise person: listens to others, stays calm when insulted, and tells the truth.

What did you see today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton
© 2011


  1. Great word on Character today, Kathy. I love the way you share both OT and NT and photos!

    Sorry I haven't been by in awhile, but I always am blessed when I do stop by.

    Hope you are doing well.


  2. Thanks so much, Melanie. It is a blessing to have you comment.

    I am doing well and enjoying learning more about God as I study!!

    Blessings to you!
