Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 27- I Have Treasured His Word In My Heart

August 27, 2011

Scripture Reading:
Job 23:1-27:23; 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11;
Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 22:5-6

Christ's riches are unsearchable, and this doctrine of the gospel 
is the field in which this treasure is hidden. 
~Thomas Goodwin

Job 23:1-27:23

Today, Job is groaning about not knowing how to get in contact with God.  He says that if he could find God's throne, he would go there, talk with God, and lay out his case before God. Job reveals that he believes God is a good and fair judge.  This is a sign of faith. Job is beginning to understand that he is being tested.  He states that after God has tested him with fire like pure gold, he will find him innocent. (Vs. 10) The reason Job believes that he will be found innocent is because Job has not strayed from God's path, but has treasured God's Word in his heart.  This is big, y'all.  God's Word at this time in history had to be from oral tradition, but this does not diminish it's truth.  From the Garden of Eden to our present day, God's Word has held the universe together and has been available to mankind.  Job is a believer in God's Word.  Are you?

Job shows that unlike what Eliphaz accused him of, he is compassionate towards the poor and needy. He is quite eloquent in his description of their plight on earth.

Bildad weighs in with a short discourse on God's glory and man's lowliness before Him.

Job responds that Bildad has never helped the powerless. Job then launches into a beautiful sequence on God's omnipotence in creation.  Job vows to never speak evil or lie. He maintains his innocence before God and man. Job speaks of the judgment of the wicked and does not include himself among those who will be punished.

Job is steadfast in his faith and in his desire for righteousness.  He reveals compassion and understanding of God.  I am amazed at his strength and fortitude in the midst of his suffering.  This verbal debate with his friends appears to have caused his soul to rally.

What causes your soul to rally?

2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

Paul sounds like Job, here.  He states that he has a clear conscience with regards to his dealings with people. He acknowledges that he has relied on God's grace, rather than on earthly wisdom.

Paul is explaining why he has not come to visit the Corinthians.  In the process, he says that Jesus is the divine "Yes" in the world.  I like that.  Jesus is God's "Yes" to the problem of sin and broken fellowship with mankind.

Paul discusses not coming to Corinth because he wanted to rebuke them in writing, rather than in person.  He did not want to hurt them.  Now, he discusses the man who caused so much trouble in the Corinthian church because of his sin.  Paul encourages the church to forgive the man and comfort him.  This is a means of restoring this man to fellowship with God and man.  Forgiveness is a means of outsmarting Satan.  Paul is all for that!

Do you outsmart Satan in your life by forgiving those who need forgiveness?

Psalm 41:1-13

This psalm speaks of the joys of helping the poor.  Do you help those who are in need?

Proverbs 22:5-6

Teach your children to chose the right path.

What did you learn today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton
© 2011

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