Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24- Deathbed Confessions

January 24, 2011

Scripture Readings:
Genesis 48:1-49:33; Matthew 15:29-16:12;
Psalm 20:1-9; Proverbs 4:20-27

Kathleen Murphy was standing vigil over her husband's deathbed.  His pale lips began to move, "Kathleen, I have something to tell you."  "Go to sleep, my dear," she replied, gently.  "No.  I have to confess that I slept with your sister, your best friend and your mother." Stroking his hand gently, Kathleen replied, "I know, dear.  That's why I poisoned you."  
~Irish Joke

Genesis 48:1-49:33

People say that if you want to know the truth about someone wait until you are at their deathbed. Today Jacob is on his deathbed and we see that although he started his life by grabbing his twin brother's heel and living his life deceitfully to get ahead by relying on his own strength, he ends his life by walking closely with his Creator, claiming God's promises, and prophesying about the future.

Jacob calls Joseph's boys to him and blesses them before he dies. Following the Biblical pattern, the younger son, Ephraim, is given the spiritual blessing.  Ephraim and Manasseh become part of the twelve tribes of Israel, rather than Joseph being one of the tribes.  This is because the tribe of Levi will be the priestly tribe and will not own land. This addition of Joseph's sons as heirs makes the division of the Promised Land still divided by twelve. 

Jacob then prophesies about the future of each of the twelve tribes.  I am only going to focus on his prophecy to the tribe of Judah.  Through the tribe of Judah will come the Redeemer Child of the world promised to Even in the book of Genesis. Here is what Jacob predicts:
  • Judah is a lion. Note: Christ is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Vs. 9)
  • The scepter does not pass from Judah's line.  All nations will obey the king forever. (Vs. 10)
  • He rides a donkey and is a king who comes in peace. Note: Christ entered Jerusalem on a donkey. (Vs. 11)
  • Has dark eyes and white teeth.  (Vs. 12)  I love this!
Jacob requests to be buried in the cave in the field near Mamre in Canaan. This is where Abraham and Isaac are buried. Leah is buried there, but Rachel is buried in Bethlehem.  It is important to remember that Jacob is exhibiting faith that he will be resurrected from the dead in the Promised Land.  He then lays down and dies.

Lesson:  Someone's life may start out lacking faith, but God can work through a person and sanctify their spirit.  In the end, the person can be changed by God. 

How is your life reflecting sanctification?  Have you ever changed your ways?

Matthew 15:29-16:12

As we begin in Matthew today Jesus is on a hillside healing everyone. This is causing the people to praise the God of Israel.  Jesus feels sorry for the crowd. He is a man of deep compassion and empathy.  As a result, we have another feeding miracle.  This time he feeds 4000 people.  Have you ever been on a long road trip and there was no food available for miles?  Do you remember the desperate feeling of hunger?   What a great way for Jesus to show his love and the nature of his relationship with us by feeding our needs.  Food is the ultimate comfort.  Christ knew this.  It is also a great means of fellowship.  It is also a symbol that through Christ we are spiritually fed. He knew this, too. What a wise teacher, friend, and Savior.

Again we have the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to ask Jesus for a miracle to prove His deity. I don't know how they missed all these healings.  Are those not enough?  Jesus tells them that the only miracle he will do for their benefit is the miracle of Jonah.  This is a reference to His resurrection. 

Jesus then warns his disciples to beware of the false teaching (yeast) of the Pharisees and Sadducees.  They are confused by his use of symbols at first, but then they get it.

Lesson:  Jesus is our compassionate Savior.  He cares about our needs.  He meets our needs.  His words are the bread of life that sustain us. Beware of false teaching on earth.

Do you rely on Christ to meet your deepest needs?  Do you realize that as you study God's Word you are being fed spiritually? 

Psalm 20:1-9

May God respond, send help, reward your gifts and offerings, grant your heart's desires, and answer your prayers.  Verse 7- we boast not in weapons, but in the Lord our God. Give Victory, O Lord!

Proverbs 4:20-27

Words of wisdom bring life and radiant health to those who discern their meaning.

What did you notice today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton


  1. Oops, I put some comments for this day's reading on yesterday's post.

  2. I responded to your comment on The Land Of Goshen! So glad you are taking the time to comment!!

    Come on, you other readers!!! You need to post like Linda T.!!
