Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8- Turning a Blind Eye

January 8, 2011

Scripture Reading:
Genesis 18:16-19:38; Matthew 6:25-7:14; 
Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 2:6-15

Genesis 18:16-19:8

Recently in the news a young couple jet skied during their honeymoon on a lake that bordered both the United States and Mexico.  This lake was known to be pirated by ruthless Mexican drug dealers.  While on the lake, some of these wicked men intercepted the husband and shot him.  The wife managed to get away and jet ski back to the U.S., where she reported the incident to authorities.

This young woman is now living with the consequences of turning a blind eye to evil.  She and her husband ignored the dangers of being among wicked people.

Today in our reading Lot also suffers the consequences of turning a blind eye to evil.

Do you remember the SNL skit with Mike Myers where he dresses as the coffee klatch lady?  His signature phrase was "Can we talk?"  Before we deal with Lot's situation, I want to review Abraham's conversation with the Lord.  It is a "Can we talk?" moment!

Jesus (pre-incarnate) comes to Abraham to discuss some issues.  He loves and respects Abraham enough to have this conversation with him, treating Abraham as a confidant and friend.  The Angel of the Lord (Jesus) lets Abraham know that He is not pleased with what's going on in Sodom and Gomorrah and He is going to destroy the place.

Abraham knows that Lot lives there, so he begins to ask the Lord if He would change His mind about destroying Sodom and Gomorrah if there are fifty righteous people there.  The Lord responds that if He finds fifty righteous people in Sodom, He will spare the entire city for their sake. Abraham, acknowledging that he is but dust and ashes, asks if the Lord would spare Sodom if there are forty-five righteous people.  The Lord answers in the affirmative.  Abraham then pleads for sparing the city if there are forty, thirty, twenty and finally, ten.  The Lord allows Abraham to continue in the this line of questioning.

If you have ever wondered if the Lord is truly long suffering, this story should resolve that issue for you. I probably would have slapped Abraham when he got to the number twenty!  The Lord is incredibly patient and seems to enjoy Abraham's persistence and sincere concern for the people.  Instead of telling him to zip it, Jesus answers Abraham until Abraham is satisfied that God is just and any action He takes will be justified.  Apparently, there were not ten righteous people in this city.

What do you notice about God's personality in this story?  I've learned that I can have an intimate, honest conversation with God. I can be truthful and He will not get angry if I am persistent in my questions. I can question God's ways without ruining my relationship with Him.  God wants to reason with me. I also learn that God is just and no one can stop His judgment of the wicked.

Jesus confirms that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are going to be judged and destroyed.  Here is how it goes down.  Two angels enter the city and Lot is at the gate where the wealthy, influential men sit.  Lot sees the men/angels and invites them to come to his home for a feast. It is good to know that Lot is hospitable.

At this point, EVERY MALE in the city, both young and old, surround Lot's house and demand to gang rape Lot's visitors.  This is quite simply, mind-blowing.  This gives us a glimpse at why God is intent on leveling this place.

As if that were not enough, Lot tries to solve the situation by offering to send out his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by the men of Sodom, rather than having his house guests raped.  NICE!  Great move, Lot.

Real pillars of salt in that region today!
Thankfully, the angels have the ability to blind the lustful mob. This ends the incident and begins the destruction of the city. Lot has to be hand-held by the angels to get out of the city. The fiances of his daughters laugh at Lot's warning to flee the city. Lot apparently does not have enough credibility with these guys to convince them he is telling the truth. Finally, his wife looks back in regret and doubt and becomes a pillar of salt. By the way, there really are pillars of salt in this region to this day!

No one appears to respect Lot, including his wife.  They are a family that embraced the cultural values of their time and paid a great price for their complicity.  The final scene is Lot drunk in a mountain cave impregnating his two virgin daughters. His offspring from these unions become the Moabites and the Ammonites.  They become prominent enemies of the nation of Israel later in God's story.

So Lot starts out as a wealthy man in an immoral city and ends up having lost everything but his daughters in a cave in the mountains.  These are the consequences of turning a blind eye to evil.

Do you feel like you have just watched a show on HBO? This story is modern in its immorality and depravity.  I guess there really is nothing new under the sun.

What are you and I turning a blind eye to in our society?  What consequences might we face if we do not set ourselves apart from evil?

Matthew 6:25-7:14

I find this section of Scripture very comforting.  Jesus gives some great advice to all of us. This is His Don't Sweat the Small Stuff  talk.  Here's the break down:

Jesus' Don't List:

  • Don't worry about everyday life.  Why? Worry won't add a single moment to your life.
  • Don't worry about clothes. Why? If God cares about clothing the flowers, He cares about you.
  • Don't worry about food and drink. Why?  God knows your needs.
  • Don't worry about tomorrow. Why? Today's troubles are enough for today.
  • Don't judge others. Why? You'll be judged the way you judge them.
  • Don't give to unholy people what is holy. Why? They will trample it.
Jesus' Do List:
  • Do keep asking. Why? You will receive.
  • Do keep looking. Why? You will find.
  • Do keep knocking. Why? The door will be opened.
  • The Heavenly Father wants to give good gifts.
  • Do to other people what you would want done to you. Why? This is the whole Law.
Did you notice that Abraham was a great example of Jesus' Do List?  I wish I was better at the don't list, quite frankly.

Jesus concludes by telling us a truth.  He says that the highway to hell is wide and many go down it.  The gateway to heaven is narrow and few enter there. 

You and I should heed Jesus' advice.  How can you persistently seek God in your life?    What changes need to be made so that you are living a "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" life?

Psalm 8:1-9

This psalm is a confirming psalm of truth.  It states that man was made just a little lower than God and given responsibility for the whole earth. Yep. That's what Genesis 1 and 2 were about!  Also, the earth is full of God's majesty.  I see that each day!

Proverbs 2:6-15

The Lord grants wisdom to certain people, those people have good sense and make good decision like Abraham.  Wisdom keeps wise people away from evil people.
Remember Lot's story. Lot was unwise. 

What did you notice in today's reading?  I want to hear from you!


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton


  1. I noticed that God still blessed Ishmael, even though he was not the one with whom God was making His covenant. I think that's interesting.

    Good thoughts to ponder in your post today.

  2. Yes, Linda. It's interesting that God intended for the Arab nations to grow and prosper and become a thorn in Israel's side, eventually.

    Thanks for your thoughts. I love hearing what you have to say!

  3. i was wondering...i mean since it was just lot and his daughters, what they told him about how they got pregnant. just a thought.

    this has been great kathy! thanks for getting us all going.

  4. Gigi,

    He was drunk and I believe when he became sober, they told them they had been impregnated by him. Having children was of primary importance to women back then. The Laws of Moses were not established. This was a viable option to these people.

  5. What I see from the passages from Genesis is what you stated above, Kathy, "They are a family that embraced the cultural values of their time." Like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah people 'now' have become complacent about sin, even Christians. We're afraid to take a stand. TAKE A STAND FOR WHAT'S RIGHT AND FOR WHAT GOD HAS SAID, OR YOU STAND FOR NOTHING! Lot raised his daughters amongst that sin, and look what they thought they had a right to with their father. By seeing the complicity of their father, Lot, that's what his daughters learned. Lot has only himself to blame for what his daughters did. "The sins of the father" "What's wrong will always be wrong, and what's right will always be right".....simple but very true.

    Thank you God for granting wisdom. Proverb 2:16.

  6. ohh, I did feel strongly about that, didn't I? :)

  7. It is so true and yet sadly to say that truly there is nothing new under the sun.
    This has helped me to continue to tow the line, if you will, on some issues at hand with having teenagers. Thank you for sharing your insights!!

  8. Hey Joan!!! Glad to see you reading the Bible this year. Yes. There is truly nothing new under the sun. God's Word helps us to see clearly and will be a great help to you in parenting. I will pray for you!
