Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11- The Good Looking King

May 11, 2011

Scripture Readings:
I Samuel 10:1-11:15; John 6:43-71;
Psalm 107:1-43; Proverbs 15:1-3

Good looking people with strong, fluoridated teeth get things handed to them on platters.
 ~Doug Coupland

I Samuel 10:1-11:15

In our day and age, it is very hard to get elected to political office unless you look good on camera.  You need to have a certain charisma and telegenic quality to pass muster.  Take for instance Ronald Reagan, he was an experienced actor.  This was not his only electable quality.  He also had a strongly developed political philosophy and experience as a governor, but his personality, leadership, and good looks helped him to get elected.  He was obviously comfortable in front of the camera and became known as the great communicator.  Today, we see that Israel is accepting a king who is head and shoulders above the other men in the community.  At least, he is in his looks and stature. The story will reveal that over time that Saul is not head and shoulders above everyone in his character.

In today's story, Saul meets a band of prophets and joins with the men to prophesy after the Spirit of God comes upon him. This is a sign that God is with him in his journey back home and his journey to become Israel's king.  At Mizpah, Samuel calls all the tribes of Israel to present themselves before the Lord.  There is an elimination process and Saul is chosen to be their king.  They actually have to go get Saul who is hiding behind the baggage.  This is a bad omen for the people about the character of their new king.  But, the people do shout, "Long live the king!" when Saul is presented to them.  There are a group of men among the Israelites who murmur that Saul should not be their king.  Is everyone ever happy about any leader?  Samuel explains the rights and duties of a king to all of Israel.  This is a new form of government for them and a new era for the nation of Israel.

Next, we see Saul successfully lead the Israelites in battle against the Ammonites. After this, some people want to execute those who murmured against the new king, but Saul prevents this and gives the Lord the credit for their victory over the Ammonites.  Everyone is pleased and Samuel performs a solemn ceremony crowning Saul as the official king of Israel.  Our good looking leader is in place and for now, everyone is very happy.

How do you determine who to vote for in our elections?  Do you go on outward appearance or inward character? 

John 6:43-71

We continue with some extremely strong teaching from Jesus. He starts with a difficult but honest statement, "People can't come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them from the dead."  Jesus can be at peace, and you and I can be at peace about the future because God the Father controls the Universe.  He is a good God.  His ways are higher than our ways.  We can rest in the knowledge that God draws those who are supposed to believe in Jesus Christ to Jesus, and Jesus then performs his job of raising those people to eternal life in the end. 

Jesus further teaches that he is the living bread of life.  We are alive spiritually by This Bread.  You and I will be sustained throughout eternity by this food.  That is what Jesus is trying to explain.  He gets into talking about eating his flesh and drinking his blood.  People are getting turned off and walking away.  They are misunderstanding what he is saying, but he does not try to stop them because Jesus believes what he said earlier.  He said that the Father draws to him (Jesus) those who will believe in him. Jesus believes this.  Do you believe this, too?

Blood gives life.  Jesus' blood gives eternal life because his shed blood redeems us from our penalty of death for our sins.  Eating his body and drinking his blood represent partaking of his life and death for our salvation.  We are to give our life and our death to God as we become like Jesus.  Jesus confirms in John 6:63 that only the Holy Spirit can give eternal life.  Human effort accomplishes nothing.  Do you realize that your good works do nothing to save you?  That is what Jesus is saying.

Jesus reemphasizes the point that God is part of the process of choosing who will believe in him by pointing out that Jesus picked the twelve disciples, including one of them that is a devil.  Jesus chose them and they in turn chose Jesus. He chooses us and we choose him.  This is a mystery.

Do you find these teachings shocking?  Are you surprised at how blunt Jesus is?  Are you tempted to turn away from Him as some did in today's reading?

Psalm 107:1-43

This psalm begins with the statement, "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.  His love endures forever!"
Do you realize this?  Do you believe this? 

Verse 2 says, "Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has saved you from your enemies."

Have you practiced this?

Proverbs 15:1-3

Here is a wise proverb..."A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger."  True dat.

What did you see today?  Please share.


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton
© 2011


  1. This passage in John is a good example of how sometimes Scripture can be hard to understand, yet Jesus speaks the words of eternal life, so we follow him and trust God with what we don't yet understand.

  2. Yes. Sometimes it takes years to wrap your mind around it.
