Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19- Repaying Good for Evil

May 19, 2011

Scripture Readings:
I Samuel 24:1-25:44; John 10:22-42;
Psalm 116:1-19; Proverbs 15:20-21

There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.  
~Charles Dickens

I Samuel 24:1-25:44

Paying back good for evil is such a rare occurrence that it is hard to find an example in real life.  I saw a woman on a talk show once who ended up helping the man who murdered her son become a Christian.  That is a rare thing.  She forgave the person and helped them find forgiveness from God and receive eternal life as a result of their faith.  Jesus taught that we should repay good for evil by turning the other cheek.  Today, we see that David is a man of God.  David repays Saul's evil with good.

Saul is after David to kill him.  David and his men are hiding in a cave where Saul comes to relieve himself.  David has the opportunity to kill Saul and end the madness that has been the last few years of his life.  Instead, because he respects the anointing of God on the king of Israel, David only cuts off a piece of his robe.  Later, when Saul leaves the cave, David calls after him and shows him the piece of the robe.  Saul is humbled and declares that one day David will be the king of Israel and the country will be blessed under his rule.  David shows his strong faith and good character.  He is a godly man who has spent time getting to know the Lord.  His behavior is a harvest of good fruit from a good tree.

Next,  David risks ruining his run of good behavior when he is offended by a foolish man named Nabal.  Nabal's name actually means "fool".  When David asks for food and supplies in return for the protection he and his men have given Nabal's livestock and men, Nabal refuses.  Nabal repays David's good works with evil. David is angered and sets out to kill the whole family, when Abigail, Nabals' godly beautiful wife, intervenes.  She comes with food for the men and explains to David that her husband is a foolish brute.  Abigail hails David for his good character and strong faith in God.  She admonishes him not to tarnish his reputation by taking vengeance.  She encourages him to not pay back evil with evil.  David listens to Abigail's wise and godly advice.

Later in about ten days after these events, Nabal dies and David asks Abigail to become his wife.  This starts a new phase in David's life as we learn that Michal, his first wife, is given to another man.

Do you repay good for evil when someone offends you?  What is your normal reaction when someone attacks you?  How can you obey Jesus' command to turn the other cheek?

John 10:22-42

Jesus is still wrangling with the religious leaders.  He once again explains to them that his sheep are able to hear and recognize his voice.  He again emphasizes that he has come to give eternal life.  No one can take away people that his Father has given him.  He then says that I and the Father are ONE.

At this, they decide to stone him for blasphemy.  Jesus is claiming that he is God.  Jesus cites Scriptures where people who believe in God are called gods and he wants to know why if he is sent from the Father and performs miracles and does the Father's work, why won't they believe that he is the Son of God?  He states that he is in the Father and the Father is in him. 

Once again, they try to arrest Jesus, but he eludes them.  Have you ever realized how blunt Jesus is?  He is not pussy-footing around about who he is.

Psalm 116:1-19

This psalm pictures Jesus Christ, just like Psalm 23 does.  Think of him as you read it.

Proverbs 15:20-21

Sensible children bring joy to their father.  Foolish children despise their mother.  This is so true.

What did you notice today?


Jubilee Gal
Kathy Fullerton
© 2011


  1. David has such respect for God's anointed king, even though Saul was becoming more and more paranoid and crazy. Such integrity.

  2. Integrity is the perfect word for David at this point in his life!!
